Tuesday, 19 May 2009

And the fight goes on

Cardiff University's Council yesterday agreed to investigate whether the proper processes have been followed on the proposals to end teaching humanities and Welsh courses at the Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning.
The council failed to reach agreement on the proposal with many members complaining that not enough information had been provided.
The meeting was highly charged as Dr Dave Wyatt and Pat Clark, representing the campaign, were allowed to address the council and field questions. Dr Wyatt illustrated the importance of Lifelong Learning in the community and requested that the centre should be given another year to find a a more satisfactory plan, preventing the need for such drastic cuts in provision and staffing levels.
One council member, who preferred to remain anonymous said "There were a lot of unhappy committee members. The main point was that they had not been given enough information to make any decision on, so no decision was reached."
Earlier in the day hundreds had turned up to support the campaign against the cuts. The atmosphere was good natured and thank you to everyone who showed up.

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