Wednesday, 29 April 2009

An Inspirational Message of Support

An inspiration message from Royston Havard, former lecturer in Music at the centre:

27 April 2009

Over the years, some of the foremost academics and writers in Wales have seen fit to be involved in extramural/lifelong learning work. Here are a few names:
Saunders Lewis
R. S. Thomas
Waldo Williams
Roland Mathias
D. J. Williams
Raymond Garlick
T. H. Parry-Williams
R. Williams Parry
Kate Roberts
T. J. Morgan (Rhodri's father)
And what a wonderful experience it must have been to study with any of these eminent persons.

Goronwy Rees, Principal at Aberystwyth during the '50s, said, during an address at an Extramural Tutors' Conference
"...In the work of our College there is no element which is more important or more essential than yours."
And the Aberystwyth Extramural Department taught only Humanities subjects at that time.
Humanities must not be allowed to disappear from the programme!

1 comment:

  1. I want to find an email address for Jenny Rees the daughter of Goronwy Rees. I believe we are related. I live in the United States near the University of Virginia.
    My email address is
    Thank you.
